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Stem Cells Transplantation

  Introduction Stem cells are undifferentiated cells of body that do not possess any specific structure or function which means they don’t...


Stem cells are undifferentiated cells of body that do not possess any specific structure or function which means they don’t have any specific job, like others cells do. However they do have the potential to become like other cells of the body. Mostly the body uses stem cells to replace destroyed cells by formation and development of stem cells into that specific type of cell. The example of this is the replacement of linings of intestine every four days by the stem cells underneath the linings.

Scientists are hoping to discover a special type of mechanisms for the replacement of own body parts by the use of stem cells research. Stem cell researchers are trying to find new ways to use stem cells to create tissues to replace the parts of organs that are being damaged by injuries or disease. This approach is called regenerative medicine.
Where are Stem Cells located?
Stem Cells usually evolved from two main sources, the embryonic stem cells formed during embryonic development and the adult stem cells formed from the adult tissues.
The adult stem cells are formed after embryonic development and are found across the body in different tissues as brain, skin, liver, bone marrow, skeletal muscles etc. These cells can then differentiate into different types of organ depending mostly on their origin, but they can also form other organs irrespective of their organs. Most stem cells found in bone marrow are called as Hematopoietic Stem Cells while some stem cells are found in blood stream and are called as peripheral blood stem cells.
Embryonic stem cells on other hand are located in the body of embryo during the blastocyst stage.
What is Stem cell Transplantation?
Transplantation is a replacement technique of organs or tissues in which destroyed organs are tissues are replaced in the receiver from a proper medically acceptable donor. Stem cell transplant refers to insertion of healthy and working stem cells into the body for specific functions. The transplant is necessary if bone marrow doesn’t produce healthy stem cells and then the transplantation may result into the production of healthy cells causing enough White blood Cells, Red Blood Cells and Platelets to reduce the risk of diseases that are related to its deficiency like anemia and leukemia.

Figure 1 Stem Cell Transplantation (Defined)
Stem Cell transplantation depends on the source from which stem cells are taken and thus the transplants are given names like bone marrow transplant and umbilical cord transplant depending on the source.

Types of Stem Cell Transplantation:

The transplantation comprises of different types (mainly 3) depending upon the condition of patient and the presence of enough stem cells required for the transplant inside the donor body so that it transfer from donor may not cause any damage to the donor and also it matches with the requirements of receiver or not.
The three main types are discussed as below:

1.     Autologous transplants:

This type of Transplant refers to the transfer of own stem cells to the body later after treatment of a certain disease. The stem cells from the body are taken and preserved by method of freezing and are kept under controlled conditions so that they remain able for use again.
The example is the transfer of person own stem cells after cancer treatment. In this method the stem cells are removed from the body and frozen and preserved. The patient is then subjected to the different process like chemotherapy and radiation to kill the maximum number of cancerous cells so that the different toxic cells are destroyed and then during transplantation the stem cells are not rejected and destroyed.
The stem cells are then inserted into patient’s body after the treatment.

2.     Syngeneic transplants:
In this type of transplant the identical twin is taken as donor and stem cells are only donated if there is identical twin available for the receiver. The identical twins have same genetic structure and this there are minute chances of rejection. This type of transplant is very rare because the twins occurring probability is also less in the world.

3.     Allogeneic Transplants:

In this type of transplant the donor is closely related person who possess some close relation with receiver either like brothers, sisters, or another person having match with receiver in the special proteins on blood cell surfaces called HLA: Human Leukocyte Antigens. This match finding process is called tissue typing and it depends on certain HLA markers which if similar between the donors and receiver will show a match between them.

Stem Cell Research:

Stem Cells research refers to studies related to the work and development on the use and increase of stem cells in the body for the treatment of different diseases and also for the regeneration of organs and treatment of destroyed parts of it.
Stem cells research primary reason is to understand the mechanisms how different types of origin oriented stem cells are differentiated into respective types of cells with proper functioning.
The theme is to then use these understandings for the uplift of treatment system of fatal diseases and also to work on regeneration of organs and its destroyed parts.
Stem Cells research is applied in different systems for the advancement of disease treatments of that system like in blood and skin system the research is used along with cell therapy and gene therapy to target the origins of different heritable disease and end it forever.
Stem cells therapies are also applied in muscle regeneration and bone injury and still advancements are underway in it.
For treatment of diabetes type 1 disease the stem cells treatments are applied on embryonic level to enable insulin producing Beta Cells that are normaly destroyed in the mother.
In the blood Stem Cell therapies the most work is done on bone marrow and umbilical cord transplants to give best possible treatments to blood leukemia cancer and other such related diseases.
The study of embryonic stem cells provide the basis for understanding the systems of different tissue and organs formation and also helps for modeling cellular development process. This can help in future for complete organ formation from desired stem cells if the process is fully understood.
Furthermore the study of adult stem cells indulges researchers to find details of directed control mechanism of innate repair system and also provides understanding of growth factors. Such researches are underway on neural and brain tissues and also on heart tissues.

The Stem Cells researchers have made possible the treatment of below diseases and injuries using the embryonic Stem Cell Treatments
·         Rheumatoid arthritis
·         Traumatic spinal cord injury
·         Severe burns
·         Parkinson’s disease stem cells research
·         Heart disease
·         Hearing loss
·         Retinal disease
·         Huntington’s disease
·         Stroke
·         Diabetes type 1
·         Leukemia

Drug Testing and Development:

Stem cell research also provides a path for drug testing and its effects on different organs and tissues when applied to original organism. This will lead to better development of drugs and will in turn lead to better treatment process of treatment of disease if the drugs are directly tested on humans (by stem cells research).

Stem Cell Controversy:

Stem cells transplant is considered very useful technique but the embryonic stem cell technique requires destruction embryo for harvesting the embryo stem cells and thus is considered against the ethics of the society which demands equal rights for all life forms. The international society made for human rights and privilege considers the embryo as a full human and also gives all its rights to the embryo and thus destruction of embryo is against the rules of society which gives ethical proof for stoppage of such actions. The embryonic stem cell therapy supporters on other hand considers the embryo as not full developed human and thus they prefer is for research purposes.

However after the discovery of Pluripotent stem cells also called iPSCs which are the cells directly generated from adult cells and thus are thought to have the possibility of development into human embryo and thus there is less need of use embryonic stem cell harvesting for use then. However if the use of such process produces a clone of donor then another ethical issue arises that clones of human (which are not made yet) also are humans are possess same humane rights.

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