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Report on a seminar about covid-19

      Report on a seminar about covid-19.                 Introduction:       I am a student of foundation university college of nursing Isl...

Punjab government has now stopped the UHS from testing the vaccine. — AFP/File 


 Report on a seminar about covid-19.           

    Introduction:     I am a student of foundation university college of nursing Islamabad. I visited and attended a seminar about covid-19 on 20th Aug at the University of health sciences Islamabad. The seminar was about Covid-19. The researcher's doctors and students were visited to attend this seminar. They discussed the issues, facts related to covid-19 and the prevention, Controlling measurements of covid-19. 

Report:     Attending this seminar was my first experience. I have learned a lot from this seminar. In this seminar, the researchers and doctors were discussing covid-19. People have been considering the virus a joke since the first case confirmed in China. Some developed countries started early precautionary measurements to tackle the situation. Due to these precautionary measures, they have been completely prevented while some countries did not pay full concentration so they are still suffering. World health organization provided guidelines for prevention. Some other health organizations like the United States of American health organizations start work for vaccines preparation etc. WHO provided masks, gloves, goggles, sanitizers to all countries. According to doctors, there is no prescribed medication for covid-19 but in this situation, antibiotics and respiratory drugs are appointed by doctors for its temporary treatment. WHO developed a guideline which includes social distance, hand washing, wearing masks. The health team workers doctors, nurses, and other paramedics staffs work day and night for providing health care. Quarantine centres have been allotted. There have no vacancies prepared yet but the researchers and doctors were still working for vaccines preparation. A lot of cases have been confirmed throughout the world. America, China, European countries have been affected more. In Asia, the first case was confirmed in Iran and Pakistan, the first case was confirmed on 23 February in Karachi. The government of Pakistan worked a lot and now still working for the control and prevention of covid19 and due to this the number of cases has been decreased now. Due to lock Downs and preventative measurements a huge decreased is confirmed. And with precautionary measurements government ordered to open shops and other economical activities. People were suffered a lot from Covid-19. A lot of deaths occurred. Economics and educational Activities were badly affected.

Conclusion:  Covid-19 is a viral disease. Its specially target children and old age peoples because of weak immunity. There are no vacancies prepared yet. Antibiotics and respiratory drugs are appointed by doctors for their temporary treatment. Researchers and are working for vaccines preparation. WHO provided guidelines and the government's of all affected countries are working while applying different techniques includes lockdowns. Social distance and handwashing using sanitizers are necessary. Avoiding handshaking touching of contaminated things is necessary. 

Suggestion:    I have been suggested the following steps for more prevention of Covid-19:

WHO needs to sit platforms with 

  • All other health organizations to check the suspicious daily.
  • All countries need to close borders till the ending of covid-19. 
  • All health organizations need to provide necessary and required materials to researchers and doctors for vaccines preparation.
  • That doctors need to provide effective medicine.
  • All health workers need to take proper guidelines about covid-19 and than implement on patients.

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