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Nude Mice and its application in research

Contents Introduction The nude mouse is a model organism first bred and discovered by S.P Flanagan. This mouse is a mu...

    Nude Mice and its application in research


    The nude mouse is a model organism first bred and discovered by S.P Flanagan. This mouse is a mutant form which is hairless and usually have vestigial thymus that lacks to function properly or eventually lacks full thymus and thus are either unable of producing mature T cells or completely lacks the T cell Production. This feature of nude mice makes them unable to reject tumors and other transplants that are necessary to test in labs. Thus they are efficiently used in tumors, cancers, therapeutics, immunological and AIDS research in laboratory.

    Genetic Origin of Nude Mice

    The nude mouse is a mutant which has encountered mutation in a gene called Foxn1 gene. The normal (wild) form of this gene codes for a transcriptional factor celled foxn1, which in turn functions for thymus production and regulatory expression of hair keratin genes.
    The gene is on chromosome 11 of mouse and consists of 9 exons. About 6 allelic mutations have been noticed in nude mouse and these mutations resulted in hair-loss and thymus disruption. The mutation is thought to occur in exon 3 by deletion of base pair resulting in production of a protein that cause mutation in Foxn1 gene.

    How are they are bred?

    The nude mice are reproduced and bred by crossing homozygous nude males and heterozygous females. In laboratory the nude mice are bred with NIH stocks obtained from University of Missouri. The NIH stocks are pure breeds of nude mice that further inherit the mutation and thus their production is increased.

    Uses of Nude Mouse in research

    The nude mice are efficiently used in many research processes and experiments like transplantation, therapeutics, tumor research, and aids.

    Below are some recent applications of nude mice in research:

    1.      Cancer Research
    The nude mice are used in cancer research because they are unable to reject human tumor transplant. The translation of tumors into nude mice make it possible to study the tumors and effect of drugs on it and also deeply study it chemical and genetic basis so that it can be eradicated from human population.
    2.      Drug Studies
    The use of nude mice in tumor research and transplantation of human tumors in them made it possible to study different drugs efficiently and also find the abnormalities that can occur as result of use of each drug. Different drugs are implied in combination to check the drug efficacy for each type of tumor.   
    3.      Use of xenografted Nude mice in Prostate cancer
    Xenograft models are useful for clarifying regulatory growth pathways of tumors and thus they are used in research study of Prostate cancer.
    4.        Use in study of infectious diseases and Immunology
    The nude mice are used in study of different immune-deficiencies and its recovery by use of different mechanisms implied upon nude mice such as transplantation and different tissue therapies. The absence of functioning T cells also make it possible to thoroughly study the immune features that are only specialized to B cells and are only expressed when T cells are not used or either absent. Certain autoimmune diseases are also studied using nude mice.

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