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Universe Inflation Theory & The Big Bang Theory

What is the Big Bang Theory exactly? Yes it is a popular TV sitcom show, but it is also the theory of how the universe came to be wha...

What is the Big Bang Theory exactly? Yes it is a popular TV sitcom show, but it is also the theory of how the universe came to be what we think of it today.
The theory of our existence and the existence of everything else. Alan Guth, the first scientist to conceptualize the theory of inflation, proposed that the universe inflated extremely rapidly from a tiny piece of space and became very large in a fraction of a second. In recent news, evidence supporting the big bang theory was gathered from a team in Antarctica.
The team BICEP2 was tasked with finding ripples in space time that could point back to the beginning of all of time itself. The gravitational waves squeeze the space as they travel, and produces a detectable pattern, a pattern that has been detected.
With the evidence backing the big bang theory, we can now view back in time to fractions of fractions of a second after the universe was born. We can see all past events that occurred. The new evidence also provides the framework for other theories as well. One of the theories that might be refined by the new evidence is string theory.
With the evidence backing the big bang theory, we can now view back in time to fractions of fractions of a second after the universe was born. We can see all past events that occurred, all leading up to our current time period. The new evidence also provides the framework for other theories as well. One of the theories that might be refined by the new evidence is string theory

Physicists all around were overjoyed and are naming this one of the biggest discoveries made in the past two decades. It gives us a look into when the universe was born. The metaphysical questions we ask ourselves every day, because of the proof we have now of the space time gravitational ripples, allow us to turn them into scientifically ones.
This does not mean that the big bang theory has been proved, nor does it dismiss the notion that a higher form of power exists, but it does mean that the cosmic theory of inflation is one step closer to proving itself correct, and it means that we are one step closer to understanding the nature of our reality and existence.
I bet some people reading this are asking why you should care about the theory being proved. I can give you two. Imagine yourself exercising by swimming. When your hand hits the water, you create violent ripples in the water. Those ripples create bubbles in the water.
Why are the bubbles important? They are important because, for the violent gravitational waves, the birth of the universe means that the waves could have created bubbles in the early universe, meaning that more than one universe is in existence. We will also be able to learn how inflation evolved, and how physics that gave rise to inflation.
The new evidence also gives strong support to many Judeo-Christian biblical beliefs. As you all may have read in biblical passages, if the universe did indeed have a beginning, then by simple logic of cause and effect, there had to be an agent that was separate from the effect that caused it to happen.
It gives strong evidence to the quote “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The challenge of bringing both physics and belief together is the fact that this all powerful all-knowing god reveals himself through scripture and creation, while the physics of all of the big bang reveals itself through hard and interpreted evidence.
While not scientific, the new evidence gives the book of genesis its theological evidence, which for those of us that have optimism that higher power exists, is enough. Science in this situation to Judeo Christians, can be used to uncover the wonders that “God” himself has created.

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