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Dr.Fauci to step down in December after decades of public service

  Anthony S. Fauci, the world's leading expert on infectious diseases who earned him acclaim even as he endured a slew of political atta...


Anthony S. Fauci, the world's leading expert on infectious diseases who earned him acclaim even as he endured a slew of political attacks as the spokesperson for the coronavirus pandemic under two presidents, is set to retire in December, after more than 50 years of public work, Fauci announced on Monday.

Fauci who is 81 is the head of his position as the head of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. He joined the parent organization known as that is the National Institutes of Health, in 1968 , as a 27-year-old doctor who had just completed his medical residency . He was soon recognized as an emerging star. In the past, Fauci has also served as the president's chief medical advisor since the beginning of his presidency.

His time as the director of the infectious disease institute saw him become an adviser to seven presidents, and placed him at the forefront of the modern day scourges that is currently affecting the world, including AIDS as well as the 2001 anthrax scares Ebola, Zika and the coronavirus pandemic. Over the course of the four decades Fauci directed the institute and it went from being an unnoticed institute with a budget of $350 million per year budget to an internationally recognized powerful institution with a budget that exceeded $6 billion.

"Because of Dr. Fauci's many contributions to public health, lives here in the United States and around the world have been saved," said Biden who, as vice president collaborated alongside Fauci in the national responses in the fight against Ebola as well as Zika in this Obama administration. "Whether you've met him personally or not, he has touched all Americans' lives with his work."

While Fauci is among the most quoted researchers ever and has been well-known in the scientific community for many years but it was the coronavirus outbreak that brought him to international notoriety and sparked the fury of certain Republican lawmakers and threats from the public.

Fauci spoke of his imminent departure in a broad-ranging conversation with The Washington Post, had been a lightning rod in the past in the beginning of AIDS crisis when activists demanded an immediate government response while they watched their friends die. However, the coronavirus outbreak came in a totally different era and social media was pouring energy into the criticisms and absurd conspiracy theories made against Fauci as well as others who steered the response of the federal government.

The seasoned scientist admitted to mistakes: In the early stages of the pandemic Fauci along with other scientists from government declared that Americans were not required to wear masks. That was something that president Donald Trump seized on toward the close of his presidency to slam Fauci and also to challenge his knowledge. Like many other experts on disease Fauci didn't realize at first that those who were symptomatic were the most likely carriers in the spread of this virus.

As part of the conversation, Fauci declared that he was looking to leave his position as a minister while active, healthy and enthusiastic about his profession and excited about the next phase of his career.

He also spoke about the abolitionist sentiments against science that have risen along with the mistakes he and fellow scientists committed during the outbreak deep national divisions that have afflicted the political system that threatened democracy and the lessons that have been gained from the government's nation's response to coronavirus.

Many scientists praised Fauci's contributions to science and his ability to lead the nation through health emergencies. A number of Republicans have however pledged to continue to investigate when they take victory in the House and criticized Fauci's track record regarding the epidemic.

Fauci stressed that he's not going to leave his public space. He stated that he would like to instruct, lecture and write -- possibly an entire book, as well as essays and other kinds of writing. He also hopes to make use of his experiences to inspire and educate the next generation of scientists.

"I am in love with the entire atmosphere of this place. ... However, even so I've said that I'll have to leave at some point," Fauci said. "I don't want to be here so long that I get to the point where I lose a step."

White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain said the first phone call he made following Biden was elected presidentunder Biden's directionand was to invite Fauci to be the chief medical advisor. As the Ebola Czar in 2014 during the Obama administration, Klain worked with Fauci.

"This is someone who's given his life to save lives and serve this country," Klain declared.

Fauci earns $480,654 per year was contemplating retirement at the conclusion of the Trump presidency, he stated. However, when Joe Biden made a phone call during the campaign and asked if the possibility of serving in a possible Biden Administration, Fauci rethought. Fauci figured he'd be there for at least one year to guide the nation through the pandemic , just as vaccines became more readily available. The virus proved more difficult to manage than he had anticipated and Fauci has been in the country for nearly two years as Biden.

However, Fauci said, with the arsenal of vaccines and treatments, and an increase in immunity via shots and exposure to virus, the United States is getting closer to a state of equilibrium, where it is able to live with virus.

A replacement for Fauci's interim is likely to be announced prior to the time Fauci is gone in addition, NIH is conducting a nationwide search for a replacement for Fauci.

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